Corporate Trendiness

Welcome to the fashion blog of a business student, where corporate trends meet corporate trendiness.


Welcome to my blog!

Hey everyone!
I'll start out by introducting myself. My name is Brianna and I'm a 19 year old college sophomore. I attend Bentley University and my major is management with a minor in marketing. I'm currently a Social Media Marketing and Fashion Intern. Fashion is my first love, I was dressing myself since I was three and my love for fashion has never faltered. I am a member of the Bentley University Fashion Consultants and I also write weekly "Cute for Class" and "Dorm Decor" blog posts for our BFC blog on tumblr.
Before I made this blog, I was posting blog entries on my tumblr ( CHECK IT OUT!) but I decided I wanted a new space to blog more frequently. I'll be posting articles I find interesting, links, trends, fashion, style musings, outfit ideas and current events! I'll be blogging at least twice a week but don't be surprised if I blog more!
I'm open to any ideas about what to blog, so if you have any suggestions feel free to comment.

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