Corporate Trendiness

Welcome to the fashion blog of a business student, where corporate trends meet corporate trendiness.

Traveling in Style

The month of July is my month of travel. Needless to say I'm really excited for all of my trips. If you remember my Wanderlust post, I explained the places I was going throughout the summer and picked some outfit pieces for each place. I can easily put together appropriate outfits for where I'm going. However, something that has always alluded me is how do people travel in style?

Boats and Bows for the 4th of July

Let me start off by saying: Happy Fourth of July! I hope your day is filled with as much love for America and backdoor BBQ's as possible! The Fourth of July is obviously the day to break out any red, white, and blue you have hanging in your closet. It can sometimes be tacky if you over do it but if you style those three colors the right way you'll look fashionable and proud to be an American.