Corporate Trendiness

Welcome to the fashion blog of a business student, where corporate trends meet corporate trendiness.


A Dream Come True

Okay so I have a REALLY exciting blog topic this week!
I usually wouldn't blog about my personal life but this is 100% fashion related so I had to share!


Gel Manicure without the Damage

So I'll admit it: I got caught up in the gel manicure craze. The entire idea was so appealing. A manicure that lasts for 14 days without any dry time after it's applied? It was like my nail polish prayers had been answered.


The Trouble With Packing

So Spring Break is finally here!! After two full weeks filled with quizzes, homework, meetings, my internship, and a midterm in each class going on vacation was much needed. Today I'm packing up for my spring break trip. As exciting as it is to be going away, the tedious task of packing really puts a damper on the pre-trip activities! I'm the type of person that needs 3 different outfit options per day in case my mood on what to wear changes or there's inclement weather. So packing for a plane trip with only a carry-on bag and a purse is daunting. I need to pack the bare minimum, unfortunately. So because of this, I'm left with the added stress of making sure everything I pack is needed and well planned out!
If only I could pack my whole closet......
But since I can't, here are my tips to get through the struggle of packing.


Welcome to my blog!

Hey everyone!
I'll start out by introducting myself. My name is Brianna and I'm a 19 year old college sophomore. I attend Bentley University and my major is management with a minor in marketing. I'm currently a Social Media Marketing and Fashion Intern. Fashion is my first love, I was dressing myself since I was three and my love for fashion has never faltered. I am a member of the Bentley University Fashion Consultants and I also write weekly "Cute for Class" and "Dorm Decor" blog posts for our BFC blog on tumblr.
Before I made this blog, I was posting blog entries on my tumblr ( CHECK IT OUT!) but I decided I wanted a new space to blog more frequently. I'll be posting articles I find interesting, links, trends, fashion, style musings, outfit ideas and current events! I'll be blogging at least twice a week but don't be surprised if I blog more!
I'm open to any ideas about what to blog, so if you have any suggestions feel free to comment.