Corporate Trendiness

Welcome to the fashion blog of a business student, where corporate trends meet corporate trendiness.


La Dolce Vita

Guess who is going to Milan a.k.a THE fashion capital of the world? If you guessed yours truly then you are correct! Maybe I'll pack you in my suitcase ;). 

YES, I'M GOING TO ITALY! I can't wait to go back to this beautiful country and my favorite place in the world. I am so happy and grateful to announce that I was accepted to my university's Fashion and Retail class! This class is a semester long class that takes a week trip to Milan and Florence for the full European fashion experience visiting companies like Moschino, Roberto Cavalli and Dolce and Gabanna while also seeing the Ferragamo Museum and a true Italian tannery. This isn't just a trip to Italy, the trip is the full embodiment of fashion culture.
This is every Fashionista's dream and I'm about to live it out. Since I got to my school I knew I had to take this class. I put my heart and soul into the application and to see the words "Congratulations, you've been accepted!" has been the greatest feeling in the world. No matter how many people told me they were sure I'd get accepted or that I "deserved this more than any other person in the world" finally seeing those words and having it official has made me the happiest person in the world. Not only do I get to experience Italy again but I get to advance my learning, take positive steps towards my career in fashion, and do something I love. I couldn't ask for anything more than this.
This girl is taking on the Italian fashion world next year. 
See you soon Milano e Firenze! 

Ciao Bellas!

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