Corporate Trendiness

Welcome to the fashion blog of a business student, where corporate trends meet corporate trendiness.


Shopping is My Cardio

If the shoe fits, buy it! This is what I tell myself when I find a pair of shoes in my size. Luckily for me I found these shoes at TJMaxx in my size and at a great price! I went into TJMaxx looking for a new bathing suit and came out with a pair of shoes, two Lilly Pulitzer perfumes, and a few other odds and ends. Notice how a bathing suit wasn't on that list? That right there is what is dangerous yet oh so exhilarating about shopping at a store like TJMaxx. Thankfully, I had money to spend due to a TJMaxx/Marshall's credit card that gives you money back to those stores for using it. Here's a picture of my cute new shoes that I'll be wearing to my brother's graduation! I love how they sparkle!

My new pair of shoes.

What else did I buy this week?

Revlon Lip Glosses
Recently I've been getting bored with my light pink lip glosses so I wanted to try to find brighter colors in different shades. The ColorBurst in Strawberry is light coral and shimmery but still a little pale. The Super Lustrous Lip Gloss in still really pale but overall I think it's a great pink color and very versatile. The ColorStay has so far been my favorite because the coral pink color is intense and the gloss still feels really smooth! Revlon is definitely a great choice for lip glosses.

Left to right: Revlon ColorBurst in Strawberry, Super Lustrous Lip Gloss in Pinkissimo, ColorStay Moisture Stain in Rio Rush

Lilly Pulitzer Perfume
I found Lilly Pulitzer perfume in the beauty section at Marshall's and couldn't resist! I couldn't decide between Beachy and Wink so I ended up getting both. I love the summery smell of Beachy and I think I'll be using it a lot this summer. I also love the classic floral smell of Wink, plus the pink packaging!

Lilly Pulitzer Perfume in Beachy and Wink

Vineyard Vines Tee Shirts
I took advantage of the Friends and Family 25% off sale this week to get these two Vineyard Vines tees. I have always loved the classic Long-Sleeve VV Logo Tee in white. I couldn't resist this short sleeve Beach Line Graphic Tee because of the color and beautiful beach graphic.

Vineyard Vines Long-Sleeve Logo Tee and Beach Line Graphic Tee

Happy Shopping to all my fellow Shopaholics!

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